Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy new Year of Batman!

Oh...Christmas..., I like this days, there are specials and great, the family, friends, holidays ( ja ja ja)...and well, I´m here listening Michael Buble Christmas songs and I just do it a special concept art of Batman for this special days.
Have a nice Christmas days and happy new year! :-D

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

First, planification...then...ANIMATION!!!

(...and Batman appears from the dark shadows of Gotham City´s night...)

You can see a shot animation of the short and the planification for do it.


Animation ( 1,33mb quicktime sorenson 3 ) click on red link

Batman sketches

Some sketches of Batman trying to give him more dinamism in action movements and poses.

More color keys, and Batman design

Ok!, two more image of Batman (do it all directly in Photoshop), this time the Batman design it´s the final version.
Another important thing for me doing this personal project it´s try to do it a different visual look, a personal style, and well, as you can see, he have a general cubic form, because I think represents the personality of the character.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Batman color key

Hi all!!!

I´m actually working in a personal 3D animated shortfilm based on Batman character, and well, the last days I was painting some color keys ( pencil colors with a little bit of pastel ) for try to define the final look of the take a look! :-D