Friday, January 27, 2006

Final frame shot 01

Well, many hours of test and more, but finally I have the first 6 seconds of the short with all the composition and postproduction!!! yuhuhuhuuuuuuuu.
As you can see , there´s not very different of the last image test, the difference is simple, now, all it´s "moving" and it´s very grateful see the rain falling, the background, the shadows on the floor, etc... I´m happy, but I want to see the short finished with this final look :-)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Animation finished!!!

I´m really happy!, because the past week I finished all the animation of the short. Now my work is put on animation details, edition, backgrounds, ilumination, effects, music, etc...I think is too much work as animation, jajajajaja, but I have some friends for support me.
Ok, here I put a test of ilumiantion and final look, and I say I´m very happy with the result, take a look!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Contrast in animation

Other important thing for animation is the siluet of the character, and Batman for me is the perfect siluet character, because he´s always moving deep in the shadows and dark places with low lights. My objective is try contrast always the background with his black color cloths and don´t lose the animation siluet poses.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year 2006!!!

Oooooooooooooooooooook!, new year, new motivations and objectives for this 2006 year, the firs objective is finish my Batman short, and I´m really happy because I´m animating the final shots!!!...but then, I´ll do the edition, backgrounds, corrections, take it easy and look this new picture, the first of my blog for this new year 2006, the BATMAN YEAR!!!